Monday, February 7, 2011


          Weeds is a Tv series that was aired on the HBO network.  In this blog I am focusing on the first two episodes from season three.  The main character in the show is Nancey Botwin and her family. She has two sons and also takes in her brother in law.  Weeds makes you feel guilt for Nancy as well as her sons because her husband died unexpectedly leaving her with no source of income to maintain the high profile life they were leading.  For example Nancey lives in a large house with an inground pool with fountains.  Nancey also has to be able to pay the nanny who cooks, cleans, grocery shops, and maintains other aspects of the house. The vehicle she frives is a Landrover therefore leading the audience to believe she has quite a large financial burden to continue paying on while having no income. In every episode you feel giult for Nancey because she is a widow and at moments her sons have trouble dealing with their father's death.  In oder to surivive Nanncey becomes a weed dealer.  Although she is doing an illegal act in order to pay bills the show creates giult and ethos by portraying Nancey as a widow who is struggling to raise her children, pay the bills, and keep her family together after losing a vital member of their family.  Nancy is also easy to identify with although most of us are not drug dealers for a living we do have struggles in life and problems that only family understands.  Nancey, her sons, and her brother in law have disfunction yet it is functional for them and they make it through as a family therefore easy to identify with.  In the first two episodes Nancey's illegal behaviors catch up with her and men are out to kill her.  The show is dramatic and the levels of intesity rise while men hold guns threatening her life.  The drama escalates and yet Nancey continues to be a mother and stay calm at all times.  She barely ever show weakness and is a strong indepepndant women.  Not until the end of the episode, when she jumps into the pool, does she freak out and scream.  I feel like I relate to Nancey in this way because I usually keep my emotions calm and continue to live my life because things could always get worse.  The lifestyle that Nancey lives as well as other characters in the show invoke feelings of mortification because you want to be a better person becuae the show emphasizes life is short and it also makes you thankful for your life because Nancey has a lot on her shoulders all the time.

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