Friday, February 25, 2011

News Framing

If the hyperlink does not work the video is at under the tab video and then the tab health and is titled "War on prescription drugs"

Framing encourages or discourages a specific interpretation of a subject through aspects of the story such as the editing, facts, opinions, and depictions that are displayed.  After watching this news clip I concluded that the framing is all about the military.  The topic of the story is a war on prescription drugs but the focus or framing is on the military.  In fact, the military soldiers are even referred to as "victims" by the news reporter.  Even though the military is who the story is framed upon, only two of the drug abusers discussed were in the military.  What is excluded from the footage are raw facts of exactly how many soldiers are or were addicted to prescription drugs.  The news story could have also compared the amount of civilians on prescription drugs compared to the military.  What that coverage does include is the stories of the two military people, their drug uses, and how they have recovered.  This may create a relationship between the viewer and the military person because their personal life was open to create a connection. This connection may create even stronger feelings in he viewer because it is a time of war in our country.  The social implications of framing prescription drug abuse on the military creates empathy for some soldiers who may suffered battle wound but also may create negative opinions on our military.  For example, people may be led to infer all military veterans are hooked on drugs and even utilize the war as an excuse to consume pills.  Furthermore, the military doctors are also accused of quick fixing the patients with prescription drugs when in fact many of the doctors may not prescribe pain pills immediately or even at all.  The doctors do not have a voice in this video but are negatively talked discussed.   Other military soldiers should also have a voice in this clip but they are not because the framing may have changed.  The news clip mentions military as the subject of prescription drug abuse because that is what would catch the attention of viewers and create a news worthy story.

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