Friday, February 25, 2011

Post-modern & Modern Feminism

Sex and the City is a series staring four women who as best friends share the journey of life, love, and work in New York City.  In this particular clip of episode 10 season one the girls take a trip outside of Manhattan to visit an old friend for her baby shower in Connecticut.  This is referred to as the city girls visiting the country mice.  Carey and the girls are clearly out of place because they are the only ones displayed as childless, socially active with dating and partying,  as well as single.  One of the women is mentioned to be in the process of a divorce but Carey and the women are portrayed as the outcasts.  Post- modernism is symbolized all throughout the episode.  One of the gifts from "a city girl" for the mother to be is condoms.  Another symbol of  Carey and the girls are  being different from the Connecticut women is way they are dressed compared to the other women. The girls are dressed in black and more provocative than the other women who are wearing conservative styles with mostly pastel colors.
More importantly, Carey and the women symbolize post-modern behaviors.  The opening scene the women discuss how Laney, the women hosting the baby shower, is using a child to validate her existence where as they use sex and a cocktail. The women who have children are talked about as a cult as if they have an illness that the single women do not want to catch.   It is almost as if having a baby resembles the loss of post-modernism.  Once a women has a child she is lost forever!  In fact, one women expresses a comment such as, she was once a CEO and many people reported to her but now she only yells at the dog.  When the lady voices this to the camera she is also holding her child.   Other women have dialogue with the camera yet analyzing their comments all of the women seem to be oppressed.  Carey and her friends are proud to be from the city, have time to have a career, date, and live a social life.  They as well state comments referring to having a child and family as losing themselves, which to me refers to losing their post-modern feminism to the world of motherhood. 
After the baby shower the women are sitting at a bar discussing the validation of motherhood to the existence of women.  One of the ladies expresses how she is happy with her life and does not want a baby.  Another lady is depressed from the shower and yet another women is angry because she wants a baby, husband, and her baby name back.  This clip expresses post- modernism in the fact that every women has their own choices of life and the meaning of life to them.  Some women do want to have children, some women would like to be single, some women do not desire children, some women enjoy focussing on their careers, and all of this is excepted in post-modernism because women have a choice as well as a voice.  

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